American-Style Seminars
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Frank Regan / Paladium Mambo: Music, Style & Rules / 54 min.—$35
Frank speaks spontaneously about his personal experience with the Mambo of the late 1950s. The kinesthetics of authentic connections (a lost art, according to Frank) is dealt with and their implications in empowering contemporary Latin dance as well as creating a context for superior expression of social styles. His in-depth knowledge of Cuban music helps us understand the influence of the musical instrumental call the Clave on the both the music and the dancer, thereby clearing up many of the misunderstandings regarding this fascinating subject.
Teresa Osborn/ Rock ānā Roll Syllabus & Teaching in Public Schools / 90 min.—$25
Teresa tells you how to go about getting a dance program started in the public school—who to see, what to say, and what to teach. She teaches three line dances that she uses to get children started. In part two, she demonstrates the figures in the ISTD Rock 'n' Roll Syllabus and includes a basic and an intermediate routine.
Ed Simon / Advanced Rhythm Technique / 122 min.—$30
The workshop begins with exercises to prepare the body for dancing, then quickly proceeds to rock steps and walks. Ed places emphasis on technique and the importance of using your body weight to establish connections and assist in partnering. He demonstrates spotting and ripples and shows an open Swing routine. Also covers Mambo.
Ed Simon / Advanced Foxtrot & Waltz / 100 min.—$30
U.S.American Smooth Champion and World finalist, Ed talks about each partner's connection, alignment, and shape that advanced dancers use as they transition between steps. He covers the partnership neutral point separation and shaping. He shows the leads for various turns. In the Waltz section, he discusses where and how much rise occurs on each musical beat. Then the proper entrance to turns with the use of arms and also turns by partners in shadow position. Finally, the secret of a successful Shadow Telespin. Filled with technique and styling, useful to intermediate to advanced level dancers.
Ed Simon / Advanced Viennese Waltz / 122 min.—$30
Ed begins with the importance of keeping your angles and weight distribution correct in relation to your partner. He shows the correct footwork on the running steps, then demonstrates how to dance in shadow position. Then, an easy and effective way to learn spotting. He breaks down footwork and timing of the running steps in cantor rhythm and then includes a spin. For intermediate to advanced-level dancers.
Michelle Officer / Advanced Bolero / 110 min.—$30
Michelle begins with a basic grouping—Open Break, Underarm Turn, Fifth Position Breaks, Walk-around Turn, and Crossover Breaks—to demonstrate basic technique. She follows with two advanced-level groups using syncopated timings in Grapevines, Rocks, Spot Turns, Aida, Promenade Check and Swivel, and Pivots. She stresses connections, sensitivity, and shaping.
Michelle Officer / Rumba and Cha Cha Technique / 122 min.—$30
Two hours of pure technique in American-Style Rhythm dancing. Using the basic figures of Open Break, Underarm Turn, Crossover Break, and Walk-around Turn, Michelle drills on the use of the hips, legs, knees, and ankles, and the careful placement of the feet. She discusses the differences and similarities between the International and American Styles of the two dances. She shows how to make the basic movements look advanced by using spotting techniques to create sharpness.
Dan Calloway / American Rhythm Priorities / 117 min.—$25
Dan demonstrates how to make your American-Style Rhythm dancing interesting to watch and to do. He shows how to create interest by varying timing and levels and he stresses the importance of posture. Dan's seminars are always thought-provoking and informative. He tells how to use the eyes, rhythm, and the feet and hands, and he discusses hand positions. Covers Rumba, Mambo, and Swing.
Dan Calloway / Advanced Smooth Foxtrot & Waltz / 105 min.—$25
Although best known currently as a Dual Fellow in the I.S.T.D. and a Rising Star competitor concentrating his coaching and competition activities in the International Style of Ballroom Dancing, Dan is thoroughly qualified to instruct in the American Style as well—where he began his dancing career! On this DVD, he teaches a grouping that is adaptable to both the Waltz and Foxtrot, interspersing helpful comments on technique and styling throughout. The grouping consists of figures familiar to most students of the American-Style Smooth, and at least one that you may not have known!
Bobby Berkeley / Beginner Rhythm Workshop/ 110 min.—$19
Features Rumba, Cha Cha, and Swing routines. Beginner level, but nevertheless challenging groupings by a very personable teacher.
Randy & Lynn Ferguson / American-Style Viennese Waltz / 75 min.—$25
The interesting grouping they teach takes you all the way down the long side of the floor.
David Lin / Intermediate Rhythm / 98 min.—$19
Level is both Silver and Gold. David teaches a complete routine for each: Rumba, Cha Cha, and Swing.
Lee Santos / Advanced Smooth Technique / 110 min.—$30
"The most important thing in Ballroom Dancing is creating movement." And Lee shows you how to do just that! He demonstrates proper technique for the American-Style Dances of Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango, and Viennese Waltz. Includes beautiful advanced variations for the Waltz, Foxtrot, and Tango. The foundation is basic technique and there's plenty of that from this former Champion.
Nannette Sweet / Beginning Bolero & Mambo / 59 min.—$19
Nannette teaches the Bolero figures of Basic Step, Open Break, Underarm Turn, Cross Body Lead, Cross Swivel, and Hip Twist. She also demonstrates both the advanced and social styling of the dance. Then to the Mambo, where she demonstrates Cuban Motion and teaches the figures of Cross Body Lead, Crossover, Walk-around Turns, Open Break, Underarm Turn, Back Breaks, and Crossover Swivels.
Jennifer Ford McCalla / Advanced American Rhythm / 116 min.—$25
There's Rumba—and then there's Rumba! Jennifer meticulously teaches the beautiful American-Style Rumba. She follows with Cha Cha, teaching a routine composed of basic figures as well as some intricate ones. She emphasizes proper technique, keeping the feet firmly on the floor, and using the eyes. She teaches a Swing amalgamation using Lindy variations and she lists the four rules for Latin dancing.
Debra Loran / Beginning American Rhythm / 112 min.—$19
Debra teaches a beginner level amalgamation in Rumba, Cha Cha, Swing, and Mambo. In Rumba, Cha Cha, and Mambo, she uses the basic figures of Cross Body Lead, Underarm Turn, Fifth Position Breaks, Crossover Breaks, and Walk-around Turn. Also, beginning figures in Swing.
Dan Rutherford / Beginner and Advanced Rhythm / 120 min.—$25
Basic instruction in Mambo, West Coast Swing, Cha Cha, and Rumba for beginner to intermediate level, and advanced Rumba and Mambo groupings.
Bob Powers & Julia Gorchakova Workshops
Workshops from the masters for beginners to advanced dancers. They teach their unique American Rhythm technique using basic patterns developed into a short routine for each dance. They demonstrate the styling and technique that made them the U.S. Rhythm Champions for 12 years. The 6-hour workshop has been edited down to 3 videos. All three workshops in one package are $60.
All 3 Technique Videos (shipped together)—$60
Rumba Technique Only / 87 min.—$25
Bolero & Cha Cha Technique Only / 105 min.—$25
Swing & Mambo Technique Only / 80 min.—$25