International-Style Latin Seminars
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Rufus Dustin / All About Rumba
170 min.—$35
So much information, it had to go on 2 DVDs! Part one is devoted to explaining and demonstrating the differences and similarities between the three Rumbas—American Rhythm, International Latin, and the Bolero. In part 2, he brings the class to the floor to demonstrate how to practice solo turns. In the third segment, he answers questions from the group. He has some important things to say about modern attitudes in partnering, especially leading and following. He is extremely knowledgeable and an excellent speaker.
Mark Parkin / Rumba Walks & Cha Cha: An International-Style Latin Seminar
79 min.—$30
It's been said that Rumba is just forward and backward walks. Right, but how to do those walks—that is the hard part! UK, European, and World Finalist Mark Parkin breaks it down to make it possible, if not easy, to learn. He says things that may not be commonly known, and for some, it may take a bit of unlearning, but the result will be well worth the effort. He also covers Cha Cha foot and leg technique.
Ron Bennett / Latin Seminar
90 min.—$30
One of the most respected Latin coaches in the United States teaches rhythm identification and leg development and shows all possible turns in Rumba. This is top-quality instruction for everyone, from beginners to the most advanced dancers. One of our most popular videos.
Ron Bennett / Advanced Rumba & Jive / 83 min.—$30
Ron teaches a sensous championship-level Rumba
pattern to a small group of advanced dancers. In the Jive segment, he teaches a variation built on the not-so-simple "Simple Spin." As always with this world-class teacher, there is a wealth of technique included.
Ron Bennett / Samba & Jive Seminar
107 min.—$30
Ron demonstrates the current trends in International-Style Latin technique, showing exactly how to move your body.
Richard Hopkins / Beginner Latin Workshop
120 min.—$25
Popular British Coach who makes learning fun! Rumba and Cha Cha. A complete routine in each dance.
Phillip Perry / Advanced Latin Workshop
120 min.—$25
A prominent British coach well known to Americans who attend the International Dance Festivals, Phillip teaches routines in Rumba and Samba. Very advanced material.
Sammy Stopford & Barbara McColl / Cha Cha & Jive
99 min.—$30
This very popular couple, British Champions and many times World Latin Finalists, teaches a grouping in each dance. Lots of technique.
Sammy Stopford & Barbara McColl / Rumba & Samba
98 min.—$30
Sammy and Barbara demonstrate their beautiful Rumba Basics and an advanced Samba grouping. Focus is on technique.
Brian Torner & Brigitt Mayer / JIVE!
55 min.—$25
Beautiful, exciting, creative dancers, these Canadian Latin Champions teach a Jive grouping while emphasizing helpful points of styling.
Tony Meredith & Melanie LaPatin / How the Pros Do Basics
89 min.—$30
U.S. and North American Latin Champions Tony and Melanie share their dance techniques to improve the quality of your dancing—feeling the music and using creative timing for exciting effects. They use a Samba grouping to show how to explore being free and innovative, and a Cha Cha grouping to illustrate how Professionals do some basic figures. Finally, they demonstrate the Cha Cha grouping with added flourishes.
Tony Meredith & Melanie LaPatin / Latin Series
Each $30; All 4 DVDs $99
One of America’s foremost dancing couples shares with you their dance expertise in four of the International-Style Latin dances. They demonstrate how to do the figures in an advanced routine, beginning with simple moves, then putting them together using interesting timing and variations. Watching them do the routines is thoroughly inspiring. They have a unique and exciting style of dancing and an "attention to detail" manner of teaching. They teach a routine in each dance.
All 4 DVDs—$99 | |
Rumba (60 min.)—$30 | |
Cha Cha (46 min.)—$30 | |
Samba (75 min.)—$30 | |
Jive (37 min.)—$30 |
Marco Mechelke & Nonci Tirado / Better Basics in Rumba & Cha Cha
96 min.—$25
Nonci Tirado and Marco Mechelke express their knowledge and feeling for the International-Style Rumba, the queen of the Latin dances, and the Cha Cha, showing how these dances can be more enjoyable when common problems of lead and follow are overcome. Using just a few Bronze figures, they demonstrate the subtle aesthetics of the basics, such as the use of the hands, the arms, and the eyes. No fancy choreography, just good, careful technique.
Richard Diaz / Latin Styling and Technique
90 min.—$30
"Every step in Latin dancing should produce a great-looking picture to a judge or viewer." So says Richard Diaz as he demonstrates the fundamental leg actions needed in the International-Style Latin Dances. He covers the Latin plié, leg articulation, free and supporting leg coordination, delayed hip action, and Latin walks in Rumba, Cha Cha, and Samba. He concludes with the Samba Action. This is a seminar you'll watch standing up—learning and practicing! Solid basic Latin technique, helpful to dancers at all levels.
Diane Barron / Latin Arm Styling
80 min.—$20
Most new dancers are uncomfortable with their arms and hands. Even seasoned dancers are sometimes unsure of what to do with them. British coach Diane Barron teaches classic styling movements to create the soft, fluid look of the arms of accomplished Latin dancers. She demonstrates how the movement of the arms and hands follows the timing of the music. She creates visual images to help you relate to the movements.
Corky & Shirley Ballas / Rumba & Jive Seminar
103 min.—$40
Many times U.S. Latin Champions and World finalists, this friendly and attractive couple shares their expertise. It's easy to see why they have risen to the top of their field when you watch their careful technique. Shirley shows how to achieve that beautiful leg action. Her Rumba Walk is worth the price! Includes a basic and an open routine for each dance. Includes five-dance Latin show.
Sam Sodano / Rumba Motion
62 min.—$25
The nitty-gritty of just how to achieve that sensuous Rumba movement—in about an hour! Assisted by popular U.S. Latin Stars Bill Sparks and Shirley Johnson.
Ron Montez / Contemporary Jive & Paso Doble Styling
100 min.—$30
Ron Montez echoes what others have said, that sometimes Americans are least aware of what they have that is good. Certainly this is true of Swing, evidenced by its influence on the International-Style Jive. He begins with basic technique, using the Change of Places and American Spin. After showing a head loop figure and breaking down the Jive Kicks, he progresses to West Coast Swing styling and the figures of Whip and Right Side Pass, adapting them to Jive. In the next part of the workshop, he teaches Paso Doble, and the Focus is on styling. The Paso Doble is different from all the other Latin dances, and the man "must have the right look, and the lady too." Ron shows in detail how to achieve that look, using the basic steps of Sur Place, Appel, and the Sixteen. A real "stand up and practice while you watch" seminar. Only 28 minutes of Paso, but packed with technique and recommended to dancers at all levels.
Silke Nowak / Beginning International Latin
117 min.—$25
Silke covers all of the International-Style Latin dances—Rumba, Cha Cha, Samba, Jive, and Paso Doble. She demonstrates much more than basic patterns, stressing technique, leading and following, and hand and body holds. A good foundation for the beginning Latin dancer.